Blue Lotus Flower: A Fragrant and Ancient Remedy

Posted by Emily van Oosterom on

In the realm of botanical wonders, there exists a flower that has captivated the imagination and hearts of cultures throughout history - the Blue Lotus, also known as Nymphaea caerulea. This enchanting aquatic flower, with its radiant blue-violet petals, holds a treasure trove of aromatic and medicinal properties.

The History of Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus has deep roots in ancient civilizations and has been revered for its sacred and mystical qualities through the ages. The origins of use trace back to ancient Egypt, where it was frequently depicted in art and mythology. The flower held great religious significance, symbolizing spiritual awakening, rebirth, and divine beauty (Rätsch, 2005).

Harvesting and Processing Blue Lotus

Harvesting Blue Lotus is an intricate process that requires careful attention to preserve its delicate properties. The flowers are typically collected at dawn when they are in full bloom, ensuring the highest concentration of active compounds. The petals are carefully separated from the stamen and pistil and then dried naturally or through gentle heat methods to preserve their aromatic and medicinal qualities (Simmler et al., 2014).  They can also be found dried as whole flowers, stamen and all.

Constituents: Aromatic and Medicinal Delights

Blue Lotus owes its distinctive fragrance and therapeutic potential to its rich composition of active constituents. Alkaloids, such as aporphine and nuciferine, contribute to its psychoactive properties and soothing effects (El-Alfy et al., 2005). Flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (Kumar et al., 2010). Terpenoids present in Blue Lotus lend their therapeutic benefits, ranging from mood enhancement to relaxation (Wang et al., 2018).

Uses and Benefits of Blue Lotus

  1. Medicinal Properties: Blue Lotus has been traditionally used for its psychoactive effects. It is believed to possess calming and relaxing properties, supporting stress reduction and promoting restful sleep. It has also been associated with mood enhancement and aiding in the relief of occasional muscle tension and discomfort (Rätsch, 2005) and has been said to promote lucid dreaming and vision quests.

  2. Aromatic and Perfumery Uses: Blue Lotus's unique fragrance makes it a sought-after ingredient in the world of perfumery. Its ethereal scent adds a unique floral and slightly aquatic waxy note to perfumes, creating an aura of tranquility and elegance. The fragrance of Blue Lotus has been cherished for centuries, offering a captivating olfactory experience (Lawless, 2013).

Blue Lotus, with its illustrious history and mesmerizing qualities, continues to be revered as a botanical treasure. Its aromatic allure and potential medicinal benefits make it a beloved ingredient in perfumery and herbal practices alike.  A costly and coveted ingredient, care should be taken in sourcing Blue Lotus to ensure sustainable harvest for years to come.


El-Alfy, A. T., Abourashed, E. A., Matsumoto, R. R., & Khan, I. A. (2005). Antidepressant-like effects of aporphine isolated from Nymphaea caerulea: Evidence from the forced swimming test. Planta Medica, 71(03), 282-284.

Kumar, D., Gupta, J., & Mandhan, R. (2010). A comprehensive review on Nymphaea stellata: A potential medicinal herb. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2(5), 276-282.

Lawless, J. (2013). The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. Harper Thorsons.

Rätsch, C. (2005). The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications. Park Street Press.

Simmler, C., Pauli, G. F., Chen, S. N., & Lankin, D. C. (2014). Chromatographic analysis of Nymphaea caerulea flower extracts and commercial products containing Nymphaea caerulea. Planta Medica, 80(04), 311-318.

Wang, J. L., Gao, S. H., Chen, J. J., & Zhao, M. B. (2018). Nymphaea stellata (Willd.) flowers with SOD and antidepressant-like effects. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 214, 73-79.

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